
Nulla eu felis ligula. Nulla porttitor sapien auctor odio lobortis sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam aliquet arcu ac tempor luctus. Nunc eleifend mi faucibus tellus maximus, sed auctor turpis faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer quis velit vel erat maximus feugiat nec vitae lacus. Nulla facilisi.

Sed quis vestibulum mauris. Fusce varius cursus est, ac auctor lorem rutrum sit amet. Suspendisse vel lacus eget libero auctor aliquam at nec sapien. Donec auctor, neque in tincidunt mollis, quam leo sagittis nisl, a tempor velit nunc at dui. Morbi malesuada sit amet ligula vel euismod. Cras porttitor orci non justo imperdiet vulputate. Morbi in nibh pretium, finibus augue rhoncus, pulvinar lectus. Nunc sollicitudin tempor volutpat.

Some quick updates on a few positions The last 4 positions I have recommended are DYAI, PRVB, SOLY, and CATS. All 4 of those are in nice positions to be buying or holding.  PRVB is on the verge of an explosive breakout if I'm right, still time...

We have been watching the volume continue to swell upwards on a daily basis in PRVB, today alone 500,000 shares traded by 115 pm. Biotech stocks have been on fire as a new bull market is underway in the sector. Small Cap Bios have been...

Some quick position notes as we have had some news of late. DYAI-$6.22 up 7% today Dropped to 5.70 after making a run to  6.50 last week, but now recovering with 180,000 shares traded today. This is big volume for DYAI.  They announced they have achieved Glyco...

The small caps are rebounding out of the August Bear Cycle lows, 2020 should be a banner year relative to current pricing or lows made over last several weeks.  I believe SOLY, PRVB, and DYAI will all get acquired at some point or create massive...

Quick updates on TPS Positions. Many of our positions as you can see in the charts are now up trending as micro caps may come into favor again in my opinion. Its been a Bear Market in Micro Caps (IWC ETF Chart showns)  for over a...

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