
Nulla eu felis ligula. Nulla porttitor sapien auctor odio lobortis sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam aliquet arcu ac tempor luctus. Nunc eleifend mi faucibus tellus maximus, sed auctor turpis faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer quis velit vel erat maximus feugiat nec vitae lacus. Nulla facilisi.

Sed quis vestibulum mauris. Fusce varius cursus est, ac auctor lorem rutrum sit amet. Suspendisse vel lacus eget libero auctor aliquam at nec sapien. Donec auctor, neque in tincidunt mollis, quam leo sagittis nisl, a tempor velit nunc at dui. Morbi malesuada sit amet ligula vel euismod. Cras porttitor orci non justo imperdiet vulputate. Morbi in nibh pretium, finibus augue rhoncus, pulvinar lectus. Nunc sollicitudin tempor volutpat.

CDXC- $5 area We would suggest initial expected entry ranges from 4.60 to 5.40 area working your way in if possible.  275mm Market cap 50 Million Cash 57mm shares outstanding About ChromaDex: ChromaDex Corp. is an integrated, global nutraceutical company devoted to improving the way people age. ChromaDex scientists partner with leading universities and research...

MARK- Taking the Loss due to uncertainty A nasty short piece hit out of the blue today and by the time we  could post this up the stock is 5.80 down  from 10.xx a few days ago. MARK has been putting out positive news of late but...

Obviously the market has had a mini-crash, our SRP Members who are also TPS members are aware of our views there.  We will for clarity on the broader markets post a few  charts here that we have been working on at SRP. The Futures hit the...

Obviously some big volatility of late with our positions, some holding up better than others.  The downside action is certainly unnerving to be sure. SSC the biggest culprit having dropped hard below 3.90 late last week, when we think a lot of stop losses ran.  Hitting...

Obviously the markets under some pressure last few days and some Chinese Stocks are correcting such as BIDU and others after a run.  We cover the market at our SRP service but essentially we have been saying for a few weeks now that by the...

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