
Nulla eu felis ligula. Nulla porttitor sapien auctor odio lobortis sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam aliquet arcu ac tempor luctus. Nunc eleifend mi faucibus tellus maximus, sed auctor turpis faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer quis velit vel erat maximus feugiat nec vitae lacus. Nulla facilisi.

Sed quis vestibulum mauris. Fusce varius cursus est, ac auctor lorem rutrum sit amet. Suspendisse vel lacus eget libero auctor aliquam at nec sapien. Donec auctor, neque in tincidunt mollis, quam leo sagittis nisl, a tempor velit nunc at dui. Morbi malesuada sit amet ligula vel euismod. Cras porttitor orci non justo imperdiet vulputate. Morbi in nibh pretium, finibus augue rhoncus, pulvinar lectus. Nunc sollicitudin tempor volutpat.

Small caps are in an uptrend, may run into some resistance near term. Biotech also on the move after lagging for 90 days with the small caps.  When you are in a bear cycle, its an uphill battle...

Some quick updates on a few positions  GBOX-  15 area- HOLD Being added to Russell 3000 Index. Stock is ticking up to 15 area now from 8 just a few weeks ago when they announced stock buyback. I've been pounding the table on this one on all...

MUDSW has taken a hit today with underlying SPAC Symbol MUDS dropping on news of MLB teaming up with Candy Digital for more MLB related NFT memorabilia. Much of this will be video clips and the like, or moments in history and likely will be...

Updates on some of our positions ahead of the 3 day weekend: May reverse split to get shares over $4, but I view that as positive as less shares will be outstanding if so. Expecting 37 million shares outstanding after an offering to raise 10 million...

MUDSW- (Warrants that trade on public exchange representing MUDS common and later to be TOPPS Inc upon SPAC merger close likely July window) MUDSW - $4.75 at time of publication MUDS Common Target (TOPPS) $24 in 6-12 months for 78% gain vs 152% gain for...

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