
Nulla eu felis ligula. Nulla porttitor sapien auctor odio lobortis sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam aliquet arcu ac tempor luctus. Nunc eleifend mi faucibus tellus maximus, sed auctor turpis faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer quis velit vel erat maximus feugiat nec vitae lacus. Nulla facilisi.

Sed quis vestibulum mauris. Fusce varius cursus est, ac auctor lorem rutrum sit amet. Suspendisse vel lacus eget libero auctor aliquam at nec sapien. Donec auctor, neque in tincidunt mollis, quam leo sagittis nisl, a tempor velit nunc at dui. Morbi malesuada sit amet ligula vel euismod. Cras porttitor orci non justo imperdiet vulputate. Morbi in nibh pretium, finibus augue rhoncus, pulvinar lectus. Nunc sollicitudin tempor volutpat.

VIR- VIR Biotechnology  $30 area Infectious diseases are among the leading causes of death worldwide. Vir is focused on combining immunologic insights with cutting-edge technologies to treat and prevent serious infectious diseases. 3.3 Billion market Cap CEO former CEO of Biogen Well cashed up with over...

Last updated a few weeks ago, we are seeing strength in our remaining positions. I am covering 5 names now at about 40% portfolio weight with 60% cash. There is risk of one more market pullback perhaps, but its 50-50 now so I'm trying to...

Well markets are moving fast, we have had two bear cycles since inception of TPS which has wreaked havoc on smaller caps especially. Going forward changing the format a bit to intermediate or shorter term holds for the time being on my best ideas. Shorter write...

The markets have been slammed as all of my members of the various services know obviously.  It's time to look to add another 1-2 positions fairly soon after things settle down. In the meantime, there are some positions open that I would buy or add to PRVB...

CRBP- Corbus Pharmaceuticals $6.15 Market Cap 440 Million post $6 offering closing today, potential to 1  Billion plus Market cap after data readout in summer 2020. I will have much larger write up in the coming days but due to the timing of entry, I wanted to...

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