Tipping Point Stocks

"Finding The Next Big Market Winners"

A Subscription Service of The Market Analysts Group, LLC

Stocks that are on the verge of a Tipping Point where investors (The Crowd) recognizes an emerging trend or product advantage in a high growth market.  We get in early before the move!

Hey Dave, first off your TPS is on fire. You’re like a god among men in this stock market world. -Fernando J. 2/13/21 TPS Subscriber

Sample TPS Stocks  2023

Re-entered TGTX November 2023 at 10.70 average, sold 1/2 on 1/8/24 for 90% gains

2023 TGTX up 100% from March 13th advisory to TPS members at 15-16 average we advised profit taking at 30 (Hit 35), later dropped all the way to $7


WULF-  Bitcoin Miner advised late April at 1.65/170 and again at 1.50 late May.  Advised profit taking at 2.25 and 3.40 later dropped to $1


We strategically add and delete positions as we take partial or full profits and rotate the portfolio as we have fresh ideas, we “Trim and Plant” into new ideas.  This creates more upside and less risk as we move along and many of our positions have had substantial gains. We had 9 stocks more than double from June 2020 to April 2021, some up as much as 400%. We sell 1/3 and or take all gains depending and add new research positions to keep the portfolio fresh and dynamic!

– Dave Banister, Chief Strategist and Founder






2021 Results (Based on actual gains or losses booked, not counting unrealized gains)

  • 4/29/21- Sold ATOM for 165% Gains on Final 2/3
  • 4/21/21- Sold LTRN for 15% Loss
  • 4/21/21- Sold TFFP for 80% Gains 11  from 6 average
  • 4/20/21- Sold Final 1/2 MARA for 70% Gains at 34 from 20 average
  • 2/17/21- Sold 1/3 MARA for 100% gains at 45-46 from 20 average
  • 1/27/21- Sold final 2/3 CLVRW/SAMAW at 1.80 alert for 80-100% gains
  • 1/20/21- Sold 1/3 ATOM for 367% Gains at 33 area from  7 entry
  • 1/20/21- Sold 1/3 INMB for 172% Gains at $26 area from $9.50 entry
  • 1/4/2021- Sold Final 1/2 PRVB at 17.70 for 70% gains

2020 Results- 4 positions more than doubled 

  • PRVB- Sold final 1/2 for 70% gains on 1/4/2021
  • TBIO- Sold Final 2/3 for 50% gains on 12/23
  • TBIO- Sold 1/3 for 75% gains on 12/14 (15.50 to 27.75)
  • CLVRW/SAMAW  Sold 1/3 for 130% + gains on 12/10/20 (90 cents to 2.40)
  • VIR 60% gains taken in 8 weeks
  • OTRK 140% gains taken after 11 months holding period
  • PRVB 60% gains taken after 10 months
  • TFFP currently up 283% in 12 weeks as of 9/19/20 update
  • ATOM up 130% in 6 months as of  12/30/20
  • Other open positions as of 12/23/20 up between 25% and 75%

2019 Results

  • HYRE up 115% $3.52 to $8.03 at the high
  • SOLY up 395% $5.85 to $29 as of 5/29/19 high
  • SOLO up 400% $1.25 to $6 at the Feb 2019 high

Over 63,000 Traders follow our Chief Strategist on Stocktwits.com @stockreversals

A Subscription service of The Market Analysts Group, LLC- Publishers of Subscription services for Investors


Sample Research- 395% gainer in 10 weeks from March 2019 Report!! SOLY

Thanks, Dave!! I’ve now doubled my money two separate times, and I’m still holding a runner! Learned about this name from you. Great call! @steeltrades Twitter 5/29/19







Hi Dave,
Great trade with SOLO. I don’t have the capital that other people do (yet) but my account went from approx 65k to 105k with the SOLO trade (sold last 1/2 at 5.01) so for me that was amazing :)- Kataya Moorman, 2/14/19
I’m with you for the long run until proven otherwise!   Thanks for the winners- Barry Scott- 2/14/19
Amazing call on solo I am forever grateful for your services keep up the Impeccable work.- Vince Miller 2/13/19

February 2019 400% move up in SOLO

2018 140% Gainer in a few weeks – PYX  (September 18 TPS Report)

“Your TPS service is phenomenal. I was first a member of SRP and then joined TPS. I’ve been a sub of a few services but you’re truly the best. You are patient, thorough, have a defined plan and overall very impressive. You don’t panic and that’s helped me tremendously when I use to over-trade.  Thanks for all your work.”- Anthony 1/9/18

What is a Tipping Point Stock?

  • An emerging growth company that perhaps recently went public or is not yet high profile
  • A company that is moving into fast growth sectors of technology or other areas of high growth
  • A company that is on the cusp of a major trend and or domination of a category or niche, but not yet discovered by most investors or the media.
  • A company about to be discovered by the crowd of Investors and we try to get long before the Tipping Point and breakout in share price and valuation

“An Emerging Company within an Emerging Sector within an Emerging Trend- A Tipping Point, on the verge of being discovered by the crowd of investors”– Dave, Chief Strategist


Tipping Point Stocks Objectives:

1. Developing an open and transparent portfolio of powerful growth stock opportunities with regular changes in positions and real time sell alerts along the way to take profits when we have them.

2. Aiming for 50%-200% appreciation on each position with expected holding periods weeks to 6-12 months depending on the movement in the stock.

3. A focus on fundamentals, share structure, management, products, competitiveness, balance sheet strength, profitability, a business moat, catalysts for appreciation, and more!

4. We read prospectuses, filings, conference call transcripts, contact executives directly and more to find the hidden gems and nuggets other investors are too lazy to discover.

Our goal is to enter these stocks and hold them for several weeks to 6-12 months depending on action. If we get a 50% plus upside move we will alert to trim the position for profits and monitor.

The preference is to be early to the story that is emerging and not chasing it after the stock has already had a huge run.

Emerging Sectors Covered:

Cannabis, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Real Estate Brokerage, Immunotherapy,  Fintech, Cancer Tumor Treatments, Biotechnology, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Gaming, Medical Devices and more to come!

Prior Research Stocks from The Market Analysts Group, LLC:

SOLO up 400% in 5 weeks

EXPI up 500%  (Real Estate Virtual Brokerage)

PYX up 140% in 3 weeks (CBD Oil etc)

CGC up 400%  (Marijuana Producer)

TDOC up 300% (Online Doctor Visits)

STRP up 600% (5G spectrum assets)

TTD up 400% (Self Service Online Ad buying Network)

BLUE up 500% (Immunotherapy)  SFIX up 70% in 6 weeks 

“I’d just like to comment on the TPS individual company reports – they are absolutely phenomenal. It is the kind of information that’s needed to buy & hold stocks for a longer time frame. They are so detailed that it’s easy to tell you and your team put in an immense amount of work to write up each one. A grand thank you for your service.”- David W. 1/6/18 

“Dave, just a quick note to say how grateful I am that I connected with you (found you 6 months ago on ST) I am fully engaged in both SRP and TPS and love your approach, style and communication. Aside from the $ you are making for me, I am learning every day from how you read and approach the market (that is my #1 goal is to learn). Best $2K I ever invested! Would love to buy you dinner if you are ever in JAX. Happy New Year!”- Brad 

Exclusive Membership: limited to only 200 TPS Members 

 Annual or Semi-Annual Membership options:

Limited Time Charter Member Rate Offer!

  • Only $999 Annual! $500 off normal $1,499 rate for limited time!

  • CLICK Graphic above to join!

  • Save $1000 or 50% vs. Regular Semi Annual $999 Rate
  • Check out with PayPal below and start your growth stock portfolio now!
  • Join today!

Subscriptions processed via PayPal

Subscriptions processed via PayPal


“Your service has been awesome. Thank you for all you do!  I’ve made a ton of money using you guys.” — Scott

Some of the best Tipping Point Stocks are companies recently public that investors are not paying attention to. We read the prospectus and speak with management and analysts directly.

A recent  2018 TPS Report  in September 2018 was PYX, it rallied over 200% at one point in a few weeks. We took profits along the way at various stages at it hit our $42 12 month target quickly.


 Early Members of TPS were up 213% on one of our first Tipping Point Stocks! (Canopy Growth)  in the 4th quarter 2017 (We ended up closing out the position for big gains before the huge correction)

213%  Gainer in 9 weeks in our TPS Cannabis Stock Canopy Growth as of  1/8/2018, though closed out it hit $55 in September 2018 for a 5 bagger from our report!


“You are beyond amazing at your craft, thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this fantastic TPS service you have going!!  I can’t thank you enough for kicking off 2018 with quite a bang!!  I will be signing up for your SRP service in a few moments after sending this email.”- Mike K. 1/8/18

“Dave, I was a charter member of SRP and Tipping Point Service. I have to say, what a difference the Tipping Point stocks have made in my portfolio!! Because of the great gains, I have recalculated my retirement schedule to a much earlier date. Thanks’, Doug” – 1/3/18

“Just wanted to say that I am glad to finally be a member of your Tipping Point stocks service! I have been member of Stock Reversals Premium for quite a while but I was a little reluctant to join Tipping Point because of the price. But the  information you have put out recently more than paid for the 1 year membership, much appreciated!  Sounds like I am not the only one that is convinced. Congrats and I really look forward to being a member!   – Dan

 TPS Current Research:


“Thank you Dave for the amazing write ups and strong research …I feel you have helped me and others immensely. Here to another good year 2018!”- Eric T. 1/1/18 TPS Member

Annual or Semi-Annual Membership options:

  • Only $999 Annual for a limited time as Charter Member Rate! 
  • Save $1,000 over semi-annual rate!
  • Hit the Launch Button and start your portfolio growth now
  • Join today!

“Since joining Tipping Point Stocks on November 24th, my portfolio is up over $6000. I have been able to open full positions in each of your recommendations and have been very pleased with the results. Thank you for the great work! I wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year! Thank you, Mike”- TPS Member 1/1/18

Historical Reports:  Click the stock chart below to see an actual report we have provided to our subscribers and the public in Straight Path Communications.  You can also check our Track Record and or Sample Reports tab for more reports. 

Straight Path Communications (STRP)–  We wrote up this spin off from IDT in July of 2015 when nobody had heard of them. They were holding 5G assets that we felt were undervalued like cheap real estate.  The company was the subject of a bidding war in May of 2017 and Verizon bought them out for $185 per share.  The report  was issued at $28 per share, resulting in a 600% Gain.



24/7 Email Access to Chief Strategist- Personalized Service unlike others


Dave Banister, 58,  is our Chief Strategist and the publisher of several subscription services for active investors.  He is available nearly 24/5 to answer your personal e-mails often within minutes! Try getting that feature on any other advisory service! We limited our membership numbers in order to provide the best service possible.
Featured in the past on TheStreet.com, Kitco.com, and Bloomberg along with many other investor based websites, our Chief Strategist is one of the top market forecasters in the world and has a published trading track record that has well out-performed the markets. TPS members have a clear advantage and room for out performance based on our methods of stock selection and research.

You can review our past long term stock reports, review our member testimonials, our Track Record, and commentary on this site. If you decide to become a TPS Member, we look forward to helping you work to grow your portfolio by investing in the best emerging growth companies that meet our Tipping Point Stock criteria.

Since 2013, The Market Analysts Group LLC has published stockreversals.com and stockreversalspremium.com subscription memberships with an outstanding reputation and published track record. With over 59,000 active traders following us on Stocktwits.com, we have earned our reputation as swing traders and market forecasters.  However, we also have written up and recommended many major growth stock winners as part of our services, and now we are now offering a new Long Term Growth Stock advisory service at Tippingpointstocks.com.
