Some updates on positions, make sure to follow yahoo finance or other websites for press releases on all positions as well. I am looking to add another Biotech near term possibly after lengthy research and discussions with the Chairman of the board who recent invested a...

Some quick updates on a few positions: DEFTF-  1.76 Already moving up from the report price at 1.64.  I continue to buy and I will be buying more this morning as well up to 1.80 area.  The chart is close to a breakout to $2 resistance I...

DEFTF- DeFi Technologies- "Your access to the next financial revolution" All Reports and Publications and Communications with members are subject to our TERMS OF SERVICE AGREEMENT OTC Exchange, up listing to NASDAQ by year end is the plan, Use limit orders. 340 Million Market Cap Website Investor Deck Sept...

PCSA up 10% pre market to 8.70 as of now as the FDA has given them the green light to push into Phase 2a Trial for a constipation indication, a 1.6 Billion market opportunity.  We also should look forward to 6422 data within a few...

CARG- 34.87 at Report Time- Max entry 35.75 add to 34 on dips if so All Reports and Publications and Communications with members are subject to our TERMS OF SERVICE AGREEMENT 6 month target $53 for 50% potential Car Gurus Market Cap 4.1 Billion  Cash 250...

Processa Pharmaceuticals- $7.73 area- 12-18 month target $50-$55 possible (1 Billion market cap) All Reports and Publications and Communications with members are subject to our TERMS OF SERVICE AGREEMENT Buy up to 8.25 and add to 7.50 ahead of Late October/Early November 2 or 3 sets of...

The micro caps continue to get hit, we are in the October ugly window which typically bottoms the market out seasonally.  Liquidity is a problem short term and Mercury is in Retrograde until October 18th adding more fuel to the volatility. My suggestion is we close...

Terren Peizer, Chairman and largest shareholder of EVMO was on a call today with investors and Dave Gentry of Red Chip Review to give corporate updates Obviously the stock has suffered of late along with many micro-caps but I remain bullish on the business model and...

A few quick notes and more on other positions later this week Also likely pivoting TPS a bit towards recent IPO's more liquid and higher market caps going forward due to extreme volatilty of the micro-caps to even things out. EVMO (YAYO Symbol) $1.68  16 month target...

GBOX is in day 7 of flat base after a nice run. In my SRP Swing service, I call this a Banister Behavioral base. I've been buying daily for 3 weeks. I think this breaks out as soon as tomorrow towards 11.50-11.80 as the next...

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